7 Inspirational Brian Lubega quotes on worship leader’s 34th birthday

He has released powerful worship songs that include 'Nungamya', 'Asaanide' and 'Wegukubira'

By Aaron Sseruyigo

One of the most famous worship leaders in Uganda, Pastor Brian Lubega is 34 today.

For several years now, Brian has ministered to large crowds and written many powerful Christian songs, contributing a vast wealth of spiritual wisdom.

He is known for worship songs that include ‘Nungamya’, ‘Asaanide’ and ‘Wegukubira’ among others.

Here are 7 inspirational quotes from the married father of three Children. They include the themes of God’s love, Worship, Marriage, Pastoral Ministry, Music production, current events, and the Kingdom of Heaven.

On Holiness

“I believe that as a minister I have been called by God – He is Holy. Holiness means being different. When God calls me, I am a steward of what He has given me, and I cannot just live recklessly thinking this is my thing. This is a Holy calling, and I need to be in a position of walking in a right relationship with God. I believe God is more interested in me, than what I do for Him.”

On Pastoral Ministry

“We cannot make our selves able ministers, He does. God is our first audience and He seeks a relationship with us more than we can do for Him.”

“A gift without character is dangerous. God is more interested in us than what we do for Him. And, whatever miracle happens, it is Him doing the work. We need to always remember that the bible calls us to transformation. We need to remain a living sacrifice at the altar of God.”

Music Production

“Time is one of factors that we artists ignore.  Someone takes the song in the studio, and then they want it ready in one week or two weeks, forgetting that everything has a process. Production is not a quick fix work, or a fast food chain. And since a producer is a worshiper, it’s important to allow him to offer his worship through production.”

Writing Christian Songs

“My Fellow artists, if you take your song in form of wood, the producer will produce wood, if you take a song in form of Gold, the producer will produce gold. God can’t be mocked. What a man sows he reaps.”

On Marriage

“Marriage is not a gig.”

On Purpose

“Purpose cannot be revealed unless you have a relationship with God. Most people get to be caught up in a position of thinking that what determines our ministry is the gift. But, what determines our ministry is God.”

“Sometime one can be in a realm and we think because they are operating in the gift, they are serving God. We see Moses and the Egyptian sorcerers doing the same thing – performing miracles. I believe that sometimes it is just a position in a realm, but they are not really serving God. I believe God wants to use someone for His glory, not their own.”

On Corporate Worship

“Among us Pastors, it’s so easy to keep up the appearance but forget to cultivate the presence. One thing I have learnt there’s a voice behind every sign/ habits, your team or congregation may think. If you’re looking through your notice while others are praising they may think singing is optional, if you sing halfheartedly, they may assume that passion for God isn’t important, if you look anxious about the technical matters during the corporate worship, they may conclude that Sunday is set of performances not participation.”

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