Authentic ministry changes lives for Jesus

Pastor David Omongole weighs in on 'Ministry' and 'Titles'.

By Pastor David Omongole

There is a difference between doing the work of the ministry and carrying a title. Many times when someone becomes obsessed with having a title they forget to do the work of the ministry.

If you know you are called to be an apostle, simply do the work of an apostle and the signs of that of office will be seen upon you. The title will soon catch up with you. The same is for prophets, evangelists, pastors, teachers, givers, administrators, and every other ministry set in the body of Christ.

The famous Apostle Paul in the Bible didn’t start off as an Apostle or Pastor. He was first a brother, then a teacher, an evangelist, an apostle, and finally a pastor. He was simply doing the work of the ministry and the offices manifested. He wasn’t sitting in Antioch claiming the titles-no-he did the work of the ministry!

Real authentic ministry is changing lives for Jesus. It is fulfilling God’s cut out plan for your life. It is not having a big protocol team, as good as that is, or having a certain title always mentioned before your name.

And remember this: if you seem to be succeeding in the eyes of men better be sure to be succeeding in the eyes of God because it is Him who knows what He sent you to do.

On that day when we stand before the judgement seat of Christ to account for the things we have done in the body, it will not be democratically decided if you fulfilled your purpose.

Your work will simply be compared to the blueprint God gave you to see if you built your part of this magnificent house of God, the church, according to His plan. Then shall we all have the praise of God. ( 1 Corinthians 4:5)

The author is founder of Christos Rhema Church in Kampala, Uganda. Article first appeared Here

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