Don’t let the internet destroy your inner peace

We cannot control what other people do and post on the internet as the social media trends continue to soar high.  Majority will defend themselves saying that it...


We cannot control what other people do and post on the internet as the social media trends continue to soar high.  Majority will defend themselves saying that it is freedom of expression regardless of the fact that what is posted might be exposing you to a whole lot of unconstructiveness.

We can’t make someone else act with integrity, or make someone else do the right thing, and we can’t make someone else be a good person.  All we can really control in life is ourselves. You can advice someone, but for mature adults, you will make no decisions for them. When someone else does something bad or dishonest or unkind we can only control our reaction to it.  And the way we conduct ourselves in tough times is the way we exhibit the person that we are.

If you are a Christian posting biblical material on the Internet, then you get a lot of insults right? Don’t let other’s opinions affect you. Trust me; the internet is a world of its own. You will find that many people have their entire ‘life’ on the internet. It has above any other podium created a global network where, activists of all norms, preachers of all gospels, advertisers of all sorts of products have been able to access the wider majority.

And no matter how good we reach out with inspiration, there will always be those who try to tear down lives as best as they can.  But always remember that regardless of what anyone else does or says, we can always choose to take the high road – we can always choose to continue to act with integrity and kindnesses, letting the word of God stand as our principle guide.

At the end of the day it is taking that high road that will bring us inner peace, even amongst the turmoil that others may try to create online.

Between December 2011 and December 2012, internet users grew by about 1.4 million from about 4.8 million at the end of 2011 to an estimated 6.2 million users in December 2012.

It should be noted that this increase in internet penetration comes with cyber crime challenges and we haven’t developed such great laws that can protect people’s content and presence online.

Internet is a strong tool. This is something we are all witnesses too following the recent clamp down on social media during the presidential elections 2016. The election days began with many politically-minded voters unable to tweet or update their Facebook pages after a government ban on social media. Many lost their peace of mind the entire weekend.

Obviously none of us like to deal with the hurtful acts of authorities who lash out at us.  It is heartbreaking when it happens; However, I do believe with all my heart that as much as it may cause us to feel bad, it isn’t something we should ever allow to drive how we feel actually hindering our connection with God as well.

One thing that helps me most at those times when I have had to deal with something that is trying to tear me down is to remember that there is only one person we need to be able to please in this life and that is God.

That is what makes him the perfect judge that we can trust implicitly.  That is why he is the perfect person to focus your energy and attention on pleasing, and no one else.   And we are able to control what he thinks of us by the way we act and the integrity we have.  And knowing that gives tremendous peace in a world often filled with chaos.

Today’s reminder is that if we are living our lives in a way that we know God would be proud of us, then nothing that anyone else may do or say can ever change that, and that is something to be happy about.

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