It’s time for your own prophetic Jericho march

By Agencies The detailed meaning of the story of Jericho is so profound, that if we truly understood it and lived by it’s principles, we would overcome every...

By Agencies

The detailed meaning of the story of Jericho is so profound, that if we truly understood it and lived by it’s principles, we would overcome every spiritual obstacle in our lives.  Let us examine the story of Jericho from a Spiritual perspective.

The great fortress city of Jericho stood between the Israelites and the promised land. The King of Jericho denied the Israelites access to pass through their land, so the Israelites could not pass.  They were stuck on the plains of Jericho out in the wilderness.  So the Israelites were faced with 3 choices:

1.  Defeat Jericho and pass into the promised land.

2.  Join Jericho and be assimilated into their culture.

3.  Stay in the wilderness and die.

Interestingly, while the city of Jerusalem sits on a ridge almost 2,000 feet above sea level, the city of Jericho sat over 1,000 feet below sea level, the lowest lying land on earth.  The ancient city of Jericho contained all the abominations of the ancient world.  It was a place where Demons were worshipped, and as a result, religious prostitution was commanded and human sacrifice was practised.  Jericho contained the lowest and vilest forms of immorality on earth.

A Spiritual Jericho for Every Person

What does Jericho represent Spiritually?  Jericho represents that which is the greatest stumbling block between you and GOD.  Every person has their own spiritual Jericho which they must defeat in order to have a full relationship with GOD.

What is your Spiritual Jericho?  What keeps you from having a “whole” relationship with GOD?  Like the Israelites in the wilderness you have 3 choices:

1.  Remove whatever stands between you and God.

2.  Give in to whatever stands between you and God.

3.  Stay where you are and do nothing.

The only choice you have if you really want to be with GOD is number 1.  You must defeat and remove whatever obstructs your relationship with God.  Choice 2 will conform you to evil by making you a partaker of evil, leading to Spiritual Death.  “And you, by all means will abstain from the accursed things, lest you become accursed when you partake of the accursed things …”  Joshua 6:18.  Choice 3 will leave you spiritually stagnant, eventually resulting in Spiritual Death also.

Once you have made up your mind that nothing will come between you and God, and you make the first move towards removing that obstacle, God will move in and remove that obstacle for you.  “And the Lord said to Joshua: “See, I have given Jericho into your hand, it’s king, and the mighty men of valor.”  Joshua 6:2.  It is God who always defeats the enemy for us.

Only God knows how you are going to get around, over, under, or through that wall and each time it is different. That is why we need Him to tell us what to do. If we try to do what we think will work, or what worked last time, we will fail.

Now here is the crazy part. Most of the time He is going to tell you to do something that is going to seem completely weird, crazy, illogical or just plain nonsensical and don’t be surprised when the first words out of your mouth are, “Are you kidding me?”

Nevertheless, listen and obey, press forward and trust God to get you through!

In this article