Know what not to say

I encourage you to manage your speech well and choose the right words.

By Evangelist Steven Sebyala

I would like to assure you that God uses our Mouth to change situations. Everything in the world operates by the words we speak. A person’s feelings and emotions can dramatically change because of the words he or she hears. When we see this happen, the right words can bring life, joy and happiness, whereas the wrong words can bring death and sadness.

Proverbs 18:21 tells us that “Death and life are in the power of the tongue, and those who love it will eat its fruits.”

In other words, what we speak has power to cause death or life. One of the ways that we choose life and not death is by the words we choose to speak. People get married because of the words they speak, and people fight because of the words they speak. If we plan on living the life that God has for us, we need to make sure that we have our tongues under control by speaking the right words.

In Ezekiel 37, we see God telling Ezekiel to prophesy to the dry bones. In actual sense He was instructing him to speak words of life to the bones. He knew that God is an all knowing God and there is nothing hard for Him. He spoke to the dry bones and commanded them to hear the word of God and he saw everything coming to pass as the Lord had told him.

We face a lot of challenges in our lives but the question is; how do we react to those situations and what does the word of God say about them? When you speak God’s word to your situation it will begin to change positively, but when you speak negatively, you will see the fruit of your negativity.

Speak God’s word to your situation, speak in the face of your dead business, speak in the face of your breaking marriage, speak in the face of disease, speak in the face of that stubborn child and speak to that challenging situation positively. You will see the salvation of the Lord.  

Salvation is released by our mouth, when we speak salvation we receive it and when we speak death the situation worsens. Speak well about yourself even though things are not going on well. God will change that situation.

Beloved, I encourage you to manage your speech well and choose the right words. This will release a blessing to those around you instead of a curse. It will give light and warmth in challenging times, encouragement instead of discouragement and will help us to live victoriously.

The author is an Evangelist, President of Africa Harvest Mission and Director, Family Radio Broadcasting Network. Find more of his ministry resources Here

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