Over 25 students turn to Christ at Kakumba Chapel, Kyambogo University

Eng Rev. Eng. Emmanuel Mwesigwa, Chaplain at Kakumba Chapel, Kyambogo University prayers with the new converts. Courtesy photo. Over 25 students gave their lives to Christ and another...

Eng Rev. Eng. Emmanuel Mwesigwa, Chaplain at Kakumba Chapel, Kyambogo University prayers with the new converts. Courtesy photo.

Over 25 students gave their lives to Christ and another 35 received new bibles at Kakumba Chapel, Kyambogo University.

This happened on Sunday during their Easter service led by Rev. Eng. Emmanuel Mwesigwa, who is the institution’s chaplain.

Rev Emmanuel led the new converts through prayer as they openly confessed unto salvation, and were taught to exercise humility as Jesus Christ did.

“Jesus Christ was crucified, he died and was buried. And what happened next? Up from the grave he arose, with a mighty triumph over his enemies. He arose a victor from the dark domain, and He lives forever with His saints to reign. This victory is the greatest that has ever been, and today we celebrate with this as our own. Jesus won this victory from much humility that is summarized in one word: the Cross!” Rev Emmanuel said, as most of his sermon was shared on the Chapel website Monday.

St. Kakumba Chapel is a Chaplaincy of Kyambogo University which also serves as a parish church for the community around the University.

The Chapel was started in 1959 to serve the then existing institutions of higher learning.


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