Remembering past victories during present difficulties

Past victories encourage you through what is in front of you today.

Pastor Wilberforce Bezudde. Photo/Courtesy.

By Our Reporter

When confronted with new challenges in life, are we quick to remember what God has done in the past, or do we worry and fret?

Pastor Wilberforce Bezudde of City Church Kampala has encouraged Christians who feel overwhelmed with life today to recall their past victories with the Lord and His incredible faithfulness.

According to the preacher, such memories “will give you the courage and the confidence to move forward.”

“Every time you face new challenges and seemingly big obstacles in life, don’t forget the past victories that God has given you,” he said in a devotional on Tuesday.

Pastor Wilberforce who doubles as Chairman, Smile of Hope Africa (SOHA), explained that in many instances believers drown in anxiety, develop doubt in God’s promises when they forget the great work He has done in them; where He brought then from, and what He delivered them from.

He cited Exodus 14:11-12 revealing how the Israelites saw God do amazing miracles in order to deliver them from bondage, yet soon began complaining when they encountered new challenges, wishing they could have just remained slaves in Egypt.

Pastor Wilberforce also quoted Psalms 78:42-43.

It reads: “They did not remember his power— the day he redeemed them from the oppressor, 43 the day he displayed his signs in Egypt, his wonders in the region of Zoan.”

“Don’t be like the Israelites who had seen amazing miracles and yet didn’t remember them when they needed courage and confidence to move forward into the promised land. The victories that God has enabled you to experience in the past are the energy you need to move forward in life,” he said.

“God has always had your best interests at heart, therefore, never forget your history with Him, so that you don’t miss your future moments with Him,” Pastor Wilberforce continued.

“The enemy may try to do his best to bring you down but his best will never be enough because God’s love is greater than any forces against you. Child of God, don’t be worried nor afraid about anything, but go back to your history with God, keep His goodness in remembrance, thank Him for what He has done, and your faith will come alive again in your heart, for your heavenly father who did it for you back then is able and willing to do it again today,” he said.

David said, “Praise the Lord, I tell myself, and never forget the good things He does for me.” (Ps 103:2)

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