Uganda needs to train and send out missionaries – Pr Kimuli

"The harvest is plentiful": In his graduation speech at Glorious Church Of Christ Ministries Bunamwaya, Pastor Michael Kimuli expressed need for Uganda to nature missionaries.

On Thursday, 18th April, 2019 Pastor Michael Kimuli, the vision bearer and senior pastor of Christian Discipleship Ministries Int. was one of several Christian leaders in Uganda who graduated from LeadImpact University, a Bible University that seeks to raise God fearing leaders who will impact their communities and their areas of calling with the Holy Spirit.

This was at Glorious Church Of Christ Ministries Bunamwaya, located in the central region of Uganda. Pastor Michael Kimuli used his speech delivered on behalf of the graduates, to express the urgent need for missionaries in the same continents that once sent them in Africa.

Here’s His Full Speech:

I have attended a number of seminars, travelled extensively to different nations. I have attended trainings, but this has been an exceptional meeting I can say.

And I felt at last, Africa is no longer orphaned. I realised that Africa is getting fathers, because that is what we have been missing. We have been missing fathers, we have been missing leaders in this nation, and in the continent of Africa.

I would like to take this opportunity to thank our facilitators, and the board that put this together, and especially choosing Uganda as a nation where this function is going to take place. No wonder Uganda is a pearl of Africa.

In the 1970s, at one moment this nation became the shame of Africa. It was known by blood shed. Known by wars, and our country was torn into pieces . And that was the beginning of having street kids. But that does not stop the fact that their is a calling and prophetic destiny over this land.

I know all nations have a prophetic destiny and role to play in the redemptive purposes of God. And each nation has a unique purpose, and unique role to play. Every nation has got an inheritance, and one of them is salvation. The other is prophetic destiny, and natural resources. I believe one of the reasons God has given different nations different natural resources is to help spread the gospel and expand the kingdom of God.

…There is something about Africa that we should not overlook…This is God’s timing for Africa. We have had that more than once. It is time for us to work together, because there was a time when the West sent missionaries to Africa, and they sowed seed. And today as we speak, we no longer need missionaries from the West, but the west needs missionaries from Africa.

I thank God for the seeds they sowed. And today, we are the fruits of the seeds of the fathers of Europe. As I have travelled extensively and have been a missionary all over, especially in the Arab world. But as I have traveled, I have seen a need of African missionaries into those continents.

But one thing I have realized is that Africa has not been ready for the work. And every time we have been going there, I should say, we have messed up the mission field. Instead of giving what God has given to us, we have become beggars.

And when you come back to your country, one thing people will ask you is; have you brought machines? What did you get? And most of us have become charity organisations instead of realizing the call on this great continent of Africa.

The time has come for us to do the purpose, do to the work. To fulfill our redemptive purpose and to fulfill our prophetic destiny as the continent of Africa.

Today I would like to thank the board of LeadImpact University from the United States of Africa. Thank you so much for what you have done, and what you have done and brought to us. I want to tell the graduates that this is our time. Let us mobilise the forces and work together to transform the globe to the glory of our Lord Jesus Christ.

You don’t know how much those people are looking forward to receiving African missionaries and leaders. When I went to Finland, I found is like a virgin country in need of missionaries. But at time you wonder, what teem can I put together because in Africa, we don’t have many mission sending agencies. You go at risk. My first time to go on Iraq, it was a risky mission. This was after the over throw of Saddam Hussein. All American mission sending agencies had closed up and left. And they asked me, do you have missionaries form Uganda? And the people i approached were not willing to go to Iraq. They preferred Germany, Switzerland, but not an Arab country. second time, I had to go with my wife.

The time has come, and the time is here, since we have LeadImpact University, please Archbishop, can you please continue training, helping us, sharpening us. Can you adopt us and do something with us, and raise apostolic teams that are going to impact and bombard the west, for the glory of God. Because I know Africa is very gifted, but we don’t know how to work together. We are afraid of each other. Something is missing, but the time is now. We need apostolic teams, we need to move.

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