How to embrace your season of singleness

Here a few tips to help you enjoy the season as you wait for your beloved to show up.

By Kellen Nakaye

Being single is dreaded by many especially now in a culture that forces us to attach our value to things external; who you are dating, what you drive and how much your clothes cost.

God said in Genesis 2:18 that it is not good for a man to be alone (in that He also had the woman in mind) and surely two are better than one.

Nevertheless, for the fact that no two people are tied together as spouses from birth, for every person that gets married and will be married, there is a season of being single.

It is easy to go through it complaining, worrying if you are ever going to get married especially as you draw close to thirty years as a woman, I mean there is this “get married by 30” thing that drives especially women crazy, but you do not have to spend your twenties draining yourself over getting married. So here a few tips to help you enjoy the season as you wait for your beloved to show up;

Draw closer to God

A relationship with God is key in every life season and if you are single, it’s the best thing that can happen to you. God is a constant friend, a wonderful counselor and a refuge, by all means, your heart in this time is safer than it would be in a toxic relationship or a ‘bad love is better than no love’ situation that you could be tolerating. With or without a spouse, you are never alone, it’s only a failure of sensing God’s presence that makes us lonely.

Discover yourself

To every man, God has given a gift (1 Corinthians 7:7). Now is the best time to explore your gifts and talents. Get involved in hobbies, service, and creativity. It is not true that you cannot enjoy your time alone. Actually when you find that you always need someone to be around in order for you to be happy, then you could be codependent or in a place of having not discovered what you are capable of so time alone becomes time for distraction.

Adopt healthy habits

I hear it is constantly said that the secret of your future is hidden in your daily routine. Well, I like to say that the secret to your daily routine is your morning routine. A morning routine that involves you waking up a little earlier, pray and renew your mind with the word of God is one of the healthiest habits to practice.  Also see to it that you read and attain knowledge, eat healthy food, exercise, have enough sleep and do not forget to smile quite often.

Learn new life skills

From cooking, talk about inventing recipes….lol (is it just me being a foodie or what?) to decluttering, this is the time where you have a wonderful opportunity to be creative. Can’t say much on this, it is so obvious, loads of personal time to do personal things.

I hope those four tips are a great insight for you as you wait. Do not feel ashamed for desiring to be wed, rather entrust your desire with God and know that he is a good good Father who is for you and not against you. Make your requests known to Him and be sure to enjoy life as you wait.

Kellen Nakaye is a Uganda Christian News contributor and the author of ‘You Are Great Too’, a book that seeks to offer answers to the question, “What can I do with my life?”. She is CEO at

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